Frequently Asked questions


Where is EBC located?

We are located at 107 Church Lane, Eastaboga, AL 36260. We face I-20 off exit 173- you can see the church from the interstate. We are easy to find!

What should I wear to worship?

At EBC, we do not hold to a specific dress code. You are welcome here just as you are!

What version of scripture do your pastors use?

Our pastors typically preach from the New King James Version (NKJV) or the Christian Standard Bible (CSB). If you do not own one of these, Scriptures will be on the screen and Bibles are located in the pews so that you may follow along.

do you provide child care?

We have a wonderful group of volunteers who provide child care during our services for children from birth through fifth grade.

Where do I go when I arrive on campus?

In the worship center, a welcome desk is located just inside the front door. One of our greeters will be happy to point you toward a small group, help you find a seat, or give you a worship guide that details worship for that Sunday and contains information about current events.

When do we gather for worship?

You can find our worship times here.